1. Do you feel that you need to play online games as a way of dealing with anxiety or depression in your general life?
well its a nice way to relax but i feel suicidal GW wouldnt help. so no
2. Are you preoccupied with gaming so much that you are distracted from the priorities in your life, such as relationships, school or jobs?
well my gpa is 3.8, i hang out with friends almost everyday, and im working as a lifeguard. Nope
3. Have you lied to your friends or family to conceal your obsessive thinking about gaming?
I dont know what the hell this is supposed to mean
4. Do you get restless and irritable when you are away from gaming or feel that you are restricted from your next gaming event?
At times if theres some guild event going on, but this isnt often. Also if my bro is wasting the computer playing WoW. Gross.
5. Have you attempted to stop or cut back your gaming behavior, but failed because of the anxiety, depression or general stress you experience?
I play 1-2 hours a day. 2 being alot for me. So not really
6. Do you feel you need to play online games because it gives you the self-esteem and confidence other activities don’t?
Anyone who says yes to this definitley need help.
7. Have you lost or damaged a relationship, such as affectionate, sexual or parental connection because of your obsession, lying or distorting your behavior of gaming?
Same as above. Make love not warcraft (or GW)
8. Have you diminished your goals, such as grades, sports, money, etc. because of your obsession with gaming?
Oh the maple story days, spent 70 bucks on things that expire in a month.... so yes for money, no for the others
9. Have you lost or damaged job opportunities because of your obsessive gaming behavior?
I just got my first job (im still in highschool dont owrry ) and its going fine. No
10. Have you lost or damaged family and community relationships because of your gaming behavior?
If my electricity goes out because of a storm, my heater doesn't work, no more lights, my garage doors don't open (have to use the manual override), water heater is down, do I feel irritable when that happens? YES!
Awesome trailer for the show.
What? He plays until 1 a.m. and sleeps till noon? A true addict would not loose that much precious farming time sleeping. Case closed.
When i'm stressed sometimes i hop on Guild Wars to bash some skulls with my warrior and chill out a bit. Are i addicted to gaming?!
Nope, just guild wars.
When I get stressed, the last thing I want to deal with is watching Danika getting skull-youknowwhat-ed for the 37th time because she had to wake up the Stone Judge...
I turn on the 360 instead, pop in Onechanbara, and just mash X blindly for two hours. 3-4000 dead zombies, I feel much better.
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he did. Those are pretty much the diagnostic probes for "addiction," period.
Yup. Gaming in general has become very mainstream in the past few years, so it's the current 'target'.
However, I do have to disagree with the "if you answered yes or sometimes just once you could be an addict" bit. Especially with the first question. Better to de-stress by playing a game than by actually harming something or someone, in my opinion.
1. Do you feel that you need to play online games as a way of dealing with anxiety or depression in your general life?
2. Are you preoccupied with gaming so much that you are distracted from the priorities in your life, such as relationships, school or jobs?
relationships? no
school? sometime if I find something very new that I haven't done
jobs? no
3. Have you lied to your friends or family to conceal your obsessive thinking about gaming?
it is just a game.
4. Do you get restless and irritable when you are away from gaming or feel that you are restricted from your next gaming event?
lol only sometime
5. Have you attempted to stop or cut back your gaming behavior, but failed because of the anxiety, depression or general stress you experience?
lol it wasn't because of anxiety or depression or stress it just pure addicting... xD
6. Do you feel you need to play online games because it gives you the self-esteem and confidence other activities don’t?
no, work out and basketball will do those for me haha
7. Have you lost or damaged a relationship, such as affectionate, sexual or parental connection because of your obsession, lying or distorting your behavior of gaming?
8. Have you diminished your goals, such as grades, sports, money, etc. because of your obsession with gaming?
goals? no, grades? maybe, sports? no never ever. money? no I like my free online game tyvm x]
9. Have you lost or damaged job opportunities because of your obsessive gaming behavior?
lol this is like a big no haha
10. Have you lost or damaged family and community relationships because of your gaming behavior?
However, I do have to disagree with the "if you answered yes or sometimes just once you could be an addict" bit. Especially with the first question. Better to de-stress by playing a game than by actually harming something or someone, in my opinion.
Yes I think that was too much.
However, as humans we dont really control anything around us, we can only interact. It is always a 2 way process for humans. We affect the game but at the same time the game affects us, whether we realize it or not.
What an absurd survey our little Dr. Phil has brewed up. I think perhaps that is the same survey he uses for any "addictive" behavior. *insert ailment*
I wouldn't take any stock in what he has to say, anyway. He is a pop psychologist with no real world experience who is in it for the ratings. And of course the money.
Damn my addictions to art, caffeine and orgasms! It's ruining my life. Help me Dr. Phil! Teach me to have a bland lifestyle dominated by family and work. Oh please, Dr. Phil!
I have a hard time believing anything Dr Phil says anymore, well I never believed or listened to anything this guy says. Looking at his life I wonder why anyone would believe him, but what do I know lol. But for the sake of it I filled the thing out....
1. Do you feel that you need to play online games as a way of dealing with anxiety or depression in your general life?
no, but on the occasional day I take my anger out on noobs in RA lol
2. Are you preoccupied with gaming so much that you are distracted from the priorities in your life, such as relationships, school or jobs?
nope, if my friends or family wants to go out I just stop what I'm doing and go....unless for GvG
3. Have you lied to your friends or family to conceal your obsessive thinking about gaming?
nope, everyone knows I play the game alot.
4. Do you get restless and irritable when you are away from gaming or feel that you are restricted from your next gaming event?
nope, life goes on.
5. Have you attempted to stop or cut back your gaming behavior, but failed because of the anxiety, depression or general stress you experience?
I had to stop because of school and did it just fine.
6. Do you feel you need to play online games because it gives you the self-esteem and confidence other activities don’t?
haha no
7. Have you lost or damaged a relationship, such as affectionate, sexual or parental connection because of your obsession, lying or distorting your behavior of gaming?
again, nope
8. Have you diminished your goals, such as grades, sports, money, etc. because of your obsession with gaming?
well since I have never really worried about my grades then no
9. Have you lost or damaged job opportunities because of your obsessive gaming behavior?
10. Have you lost or damaged family and community relationships because of your gaming behavior?
of course, all the time....wait some of my family plays the game with me lol
1. Do you feel that you need to play online games as a way of dealing with anxiety or depression in your general life?
Sometimes. I'll hop on gw just to kill people in FA.
2. Are you preoccupied with gaming so much that you are distracted from the priorities in your life, such as relationships, school or jobs?
Not really
3. Have you lied to your friends or family to conceal your obsessive thinking about gaming?
No lol, my family knows & all my friends are gamers as well
4. Do you get restless and irritable when you are away from gaming or feel that you are restricted from your next gaming event?
5. Have you attempted to stop or cut back your gaming behavior, but failed because of the anxiety, depression or general stress you experience?
I have for about a month.
6. Do you feel you need to play online games because it gives you the self-esteem and confidence other activities don’t?
I'm good at games + I have a high self esteem anyway, games just help
7. Have you lost or damaged a relationship, such as affectionate, sexual or parental connection because of your obsession, lying or distorting your behavior of gaming?
8. Have you diminished your goals, such as grades, sports, money, etc. because of your obsession with gaming?
When I started playin gw yeah. Now, no.
9. Have you lost or damaged job opportunities because of your obsessive gaming behavior?
Lol no
10. Have you lost or damaged family and community relationships because of your gaming behavior?
Noooot really
1. Do you feel that you need to play online games as a way of dealing with anxiety or depression in your general life?
Nope, if im stressed i just get pissy and make everyone else mad cause then it makes me feel better xD
2. Are you preoccupied with gaming so much that you are distracted from the priorities in your life, such as relationships, school or jobs?
WTF is a job? lol seriously, nope i havent
3. Have you lied to your friends or family to conceal your obsessive thinking about gaming?
YES today in physics i was thinkin of uwsc and gettin fow for paragon when we were actually talkin about the color spectrum and how light disperses when it hits a prism, etc. Same thing happened in math 4 hours later when the class was goin over law of sines and cosines. Its not my fault im a freakin math/physics GENIOUS
4. Do you get restless and irritable when you are away from gaming or feel that you are restricted from your next gaming event?
I dont get restless if I choose to be away. If however, im in a uwsc, and my mom tells me to talk down to my sister's friends house to walk her back home i get FREAKIN PISSED OFF!
5. Have you attempted to stop or cut back your gaming behavior, but failed because of the anxiety, depression or general stress you experience?
Nope, only time I dont game all day is when im hanging out with friends or when i got homework.
6. Do you feel you need to play online games because it gives you the self-esteem and confidence other activities don’t?
Not for these reasons. Who gets confident playing a game.
7. Have you lost or damaged a relationship, such as affectionate, sexual or parental connection because of your obsession, lying or distorting your behavior of gaming?
8. Have you diminished your goals, such as grades, sports, money, etc. because of your obsession with gaming?
Im actually almost a 4.0 student in all honors and AP classes in national honors society, gtfo Dr. Phil
9. Have you lost or damaged job opportunities because of your obsessive gaming behavior?
I just turned 16 i dont need a job
10. Have you lost or damaged family and community relationships because of your gaming behavior?
Haha sorta my parents get pissed how i play alot but they cant say anything about it cause my grades in school are amazing and i have a social life.
1. Do you feel that you need to play online games as a way of dealing with anxiety or depression in your general life?
2. Are you preoccupied with gaming so much that you are distracted from the priorities in your life, such as relationships, school or jobs?
3. Have you lied to your friends or family to conceal your obsessive thinking about gaming?
uhm no, well some friends do not know. they better do not =] keep reputation high lol
4. Do you get restless and irritable when you are away from gaming or feel that you are restricted from your next gaming event?
5. Have you attempted to stop or cut back your gaming behavior, but failed because of the anxiety, depression or general stress you experience?
When im on vacation. and never failed! even while I play to much.
6. Do you feel you need to play online games because it gives you the self-esteem and confidence other activities don’t?
Im also good in soccer but im good in gaming, and I like it
7. Have you lost or damaged a relationship, such as affectionate, sexual or parental connection because of your obsession, lying or distorting your behavior of gaming?
My mom doesn't like it when I play to much =O
8. Have you diminished your goals, such as grades, sports, money, etc. because of your obsession with gaming?
ONLY grades. but that was a few years ago, and I made it after all
9. Have you lost or damaged job opportunities because of your obsessive gaming behavior?
10. Have you lost or damaged family and community relationships because of your gaming behavior?
Naah, still my mom doesn't like it :P
F*K DR PHIL! gaming is the most fun thing u can do in life. (and soccer) so why spent time on doing things I do not like??
Nobody likes Dr. Phil, not even Oprah. I think she gave him his own TV show when she realized that he would be popular and just wanted to make money off him and get him off her show. She has Dr. Oz on anyways or gets mental specialists.